Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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8th In house speed programming competition
8th In house speed programming competition

FCIT has successfully organized 8th In house speed programming competition on 1st November 2024. On a very short announcement, around 200 students from both campuses participated.
Thanks to the respected Dean for his encouragement and support. Staff has provided a quick support particularly, Mr. Rizwan and his lab staff and Mr. Amir.
We wish all participants but special appreciation to winning teams.
Team : Data Strugglers
Talha Rashid BSDSF21M015
Muhammad Ali BSDSF21M025
Muhammad Ibraheem BSCSF23M005
First runner up
Team  Tachyons
Taimour Hassan BCSF22M504
Syed Hannan Ali BCSF22M533
Hamza Ahmed BCSF22M536
Archive runner up
Team 3: Binary Sentinels
Muhammad Saad Sabir BSDSF23A022
Uzair Tariq BSDSF23A020
Fahad Rahman BSDSF23A024
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